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Planned activities

This Erasmus+ strategic partnership guarantees opportunities for all schools and their staff and pupils involved, to get experience abroad, developing a didactic booklet for ways and methods of promoting reading among young people. The didactic impulse in language learning inherent to an international project deserves a special mention here. The outputs of our strategic partnership:
1st year:
•  project meeting bimonthly during the project span/at national level
•  Lecture club once a week throughout the project
• A Diary of the Lecture club once a week throughout the project (October 2016 )
• Erasmus+  corner (November 2016)
• A LOGO competition among partner schools -a common LOGO of the project (November 2016)
• Caught you reading’ bulletin board / a result of the same called activity/throughout the project cycle
• Initial tests at literature and English language for target group students (November 2016)
• A presentation about school, town/city, country and educational system of of each partner (November 2016)
• A T-shirt for pupils and teachers to wear during the actions and events of the project (November 2016)
• Christmas poem exchange (December 2016)
• Erasmus +  website in English (February 2017)
• A schedule for the short term pupil exchange in Italy in April 2017
• Campaign posters for the ‚best book’ election of the year (May 2017)
• Articles in the local papers 2 times a year
• an international newspaper where all partners write their articles ( June 2017)  
2nd year:
• Lecture club once a week throughout the project
• Intermediary report
• Students' report on their exchange in Spain
• A theatre representation of one of the books students read ( April 2018)  
 •DVDs with photos  from each of the 2 year events ( June 2017)  
•The  Erasmus + booklet with all material of Project (June 2018)
• an international newspaper where all partners write their articles ( June 2018)  
• A schedule on the pupil short term exchange in Italy Canicatti in July 2018
• Analysis of the questionnaires (initial and final) and that of the evaluation forms
•Final report (September 2018)
The intermediary report and the final report are also a result of the project and also the minutes of each project meeting. Good practices on how teachers, parents and the whole community should raise the awareness of the importance of reading, different methods and ideas on how love of reading should be nurtured will be collected in a booklet at the end of the project.
Another outcome is the increased number of partners' network contacts as the project  stimulates persons involved. The students will develop their language skills, social and intercultural skills through the activities of the partnership that suppose a serious collaboration.
The teachers develop their professional skills  - have better knowledge of foreign languages, they improve their way of teaching by sharing best practices and also learn new thing about about different school systems.
The partner schools will also have a collaborative work especially during face to face project meetings, they will have to work as a single team and identify some solutions to problems may arise. All this leads to social and linguistic development and enhances a better cooperation between nations.
The above mentioned results and products are outcomes of the project activities leads that the objectives and the main goal of the partnership  to be fulfilled.

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